Sudeley Castle & Gardens, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, GL54 5JD
Sudeley Castle & Gardens, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, GL54 5JD
Good days riding
Would like to see event return to pre covid date.
Mass start lead out was always good.
Great value
Great day out riding in the Cotswolds - when you don't live there!
Great options around route lengths. Fabulous atmosphere on the day - plenty of friendly riders and organisers. Good refreshments available at the end.
you will keep coming back time again
Brilliant day out
Love the September timing and rolling start. Longer routes are tough, but the clue is in the word ‘Hell’!
Amazing event, well organised and very friendly atmosphere. Will be back next year for sure .
Beautiful route and great atmosphere
Brilliant but tough event!
The event was amazing! had great fun with my family riding this one!
the lunch stop was amazing and had loooads on offer and the free bike mechanic service was spot on!
Perfect day out! probably a bit too technical and tough to market to beginners though
Great event and well organised!
Brilliant event!
Well organised, very well supported, very scenic.
Best rest stations of any event I’ve done. Consistently a pleasure from year to year.
Superb event with great organisation, well done
The UK's best offroad event.
Super, well organised event
Harder than I was expecting but very satisfying
Brilliant event. Huge thanks to all the volunteers
A good challenge
A good route. Pleased with the off road to on road ration. Some descents tough on a gravel bike but a good challenge
I entered the 50 thinking I might do 75. At the end I was glad I did 50. Now with rose coloured hindsight I wish I’d done 75.
Being a bit older and a returnee to mountain biking this was perfect. I enjoyed the climbs but I’m no Tom Pidcock and found the decents a bit scary. Especially the fast road decent before Guiting and that ending.
My reminder to practice decending and improve my skills ready for next year. I might not feel so physically tense and tired after downhills by then.
Thank you for a great ride.
Keep being awesome
Fantastic event (HONC XL) - thanks for putting it on.
Always a great event
Fabulous , tough ride. Always enjoy it. Second only to the roc d’azur for the adrenaline buzz of going as quick as you can without racing